Latest News

July 30, 2020
- 2020 Member Elections!
Elections will be open August 15th-30th. Dates can be adjusted if needed, depending on when we will have the inductions. Please CLICK HERE to view the volunteers who are running for different offices and see their biographies.

September 10, 2018
- Congratulations Brittany Kaleiwahea!
Please join PNAOW in congratulating Brittany Kaleiwahea, our 2018-19 recipient of the Jaime Lim and Dory Osilla-Lim Academic Scholarship! Brittany is a second year nursing student at Seattle Central College. She grew up in Honolulu, Hawaii and moved to Seattle seven years ago. Brittany has volunteered at several institutions including Swedish Orthopedic Institute, as well as the emergency department at Harborview Medical Center. Within her nursing program she serves as the secretary of Seattle Central’s Student Nurses Association and helps coordinate volunteer opportunities for all the students in the nursing program. She also volunteers her time as a mentor to new students in the program. Brittany has really enjoyed working in long term care during the first half of her program. She hopes to continue her interest with a career in geriatrics and focus on working in hospice or palliative care.
May 19, 2015
- PNAOW received an award.
The Asian Reporter Foundation’s 17th Annual Scholarship & Awards Banquet
> Philippine Nurses Association of Oregon & Washington